April 2018 – Aliyah Rose took Grandma and Granddad to her very first Sun-n-Fun in Lakeland, Florida. This was her very first airshow, and she was only 2 ½, but she didn’t let that slow her down one bit.
Driving to Lakeland, she observed that “the outside is very far away.” Well, she was right, the world is bigger than she realized. What a good way to express that concept for such a young mind!
As part of this exciting journey into the unknown, we decided to really travel in style and set up our own tent. This gave us two adventures rolled into one – the Fly-in and camping!

The first afternoon we set up our tent under Aliyah’s careful eye, reviewed safety protocols, and did a little exploring. This was her first-ever camping experience, so she took careful mental notes on “living in the wild.” We were extra careful to secure the zippers so no escapes! Amusingly enough, it turns out that we pitched the tent on a slight incline, or as Grandma put it, “the side of a gosh-darned* hill.”
The second day, we treated ourselves to a full day of excitement at Sun-n-Fun, roaming the airport, soaking in the ambience and smiling graciously to adoring fans

Aliyah wanted to look at EVERY AIRPLANE there, but couldn’t resist a little shopping on the way.

Isn’t this the most elegant design for a modern fighter jet? I love it soooo much! Let me tell you ALL about it!

After a full day of walking around the aircraft and booths, we were all ready for a good night’s sleep! We were careful to tie up the tent zipper so there would be no temptation to wander, but Aliyah was too worn out from the excitement to go anywhere.

The next morning Aliyah was refreshed and ready to tackle another exciting day. She shared with Grandma and Granddad how much fun they were all going to have, and helped Granddad smooth down his hair so he’d look dapper.

Aliyah was so excited to see the Chinook helicopter. There is just something about a tandem rotor, heavy lift helicopter that gets a two year old girl excited to be alive! Plus, those handsome young men look so dashing in their uniforms!

Aliyah also opted in to the weapons training program on the Chinook (pronounced “Chilook” by chill toddlers in the know. What!?)

Aliyah’s second favorite aircraft was the Seahawk, and who could blame her?

This little student pilot asked the Flight Navigator how to operate two of the flight controls, which apparently completed her flight training. This pic is our serious little future pilot asking serious questions. “What is this thing? What is that thing?” (points to the cyclic stick and then the collective lever)

Next, she tried to buckle her seatbelt, because she knew we don’t go anywhere without buckling up. This should have been a clue… The Navigator buckled her up, at which point she told him, “You can close the door now.”
To his credit, he very politely responded, “I’m afraid we’re not allowed to do that, ma’am.” Instead of falling out laughing. Like the rest of us were struggling not to do. Someone who shall not be named *may* have snorted a soda out their nose. Just sayin’.
Does she look confident or what? Just maybe don’t get in her way, folks. Girl’s going places!

We only stayed two days, but we promised our little aviatrix that we would bring her back next year. She loved every minute of it, and gave Mommy and Daddy a real earful when she got home. Watch out world, you’ll be seeing more of this girl!

This has been one of her all-time favorite excursions, so definitely two little thumbs up, and the rest of her fingers besides!
For more information on Sun-n-Fun Fly-in and Airshow, visit their website at http://www.sun-n-fun.org
* edited for, um, family friendly readers.