Grandma had to get some routine bloodwork done this December, and Aliyah thought it would be interesting to tag along and see what’s up with that whole business. Luckily there were no objections from said Grandma. OK, so Grams had the ulterior motive of acclimatizing Bunchkins with this needle/blood concept so she understands what’s involved and doesn’t freak out when it’s her turn to experience this particular joy.

But FIRST, Aliyah needed a pretty hairdo, and she was very specific about what she wanted: Three raindrops, and four braids. Well, poor Grams is not a hairdresser, but we all do the best we can for our babies. So, we present to you, our loving readers, raindrops and braids:
So, with hair all done up, camera and tripod in hand, we traipsed happily over to a local testing center and boldly asked for permission to film the whole process. To our surprise they allowed it, and even let up use our handy tripod and video camera instead of having to try to shoot one handed with a cell phone while getting stabbed, er, gently pricked in the other arm. That would have been so awkward.
While we were sitting around in the lobby waiting our turn, Aliyah decided that she would like to try taking pics with my phone to amuse herself. She asked so nicely, how could I say no? And she did promise to take extra special good care of my phone.

She quickly took pictures of EVERY plant in the office. Including one behind the receptionist desk.

No plant went undocumented or unappreciated here. And some were even in focus!

After carefully preserving a record of all the local flora, Aliyah turned the camera on herself and took a few selfies. I mean, four year olds are now taking selfies? Who knew??

After Grandma finally took the phone away, Aliyah tried reading the magazines, but that got old. fast. Then she got bored. Really super bored. Who doesn’t feel that way sitting around waiting to be poked with needles?

Fortunately we didn’t have to sit around long enough for her to quite pass out. A great technician took us to a work station and gave us permission to take a short video. Aliyah thought the whole process was pretty interesting, but she was just as fascinated by the folding arm on one side of the chair. I told her it was probably there to keep me from sliding onto the floor if I “fell asleep.” Or passed out. I have a friend who passes out when needles touch her skin, so in my imagination that curved chair arm would hold up a person. Probably not, I should have asked, lol.
So first the technician looked at both my arms, but finally picked the left. She took out three vials while Aliyah hovered about and asked questions. It was so interesting answering questions and keeping Aliyah from getting rambunctious that I hardly noticed the needle at all.

Aliyah not only asked questions, but she also moved around to watch from various angles and perspectives. Not a trace of squeamishness with this one.

Aliyah was so calm and collected during the entire procedure, and asked so many relevant questions, that I’m pretty sure she would be a natural as a medical professional. She has several good role models in our family, so who knows? You could be looking at a future brain surgeon!
After we were done there, we went to McDonalds for ice cream and fries, and then off to a nearby playground to enjoy the sunshine and ladybugs. After all, even budding surgeons and their grandparents need fresh air and exercise. Live long and play well!

For those of you who are interested, we took a short video of Aliyah helping me get my blood drawn, and I plan to have that up on YouTube sometime in February. We’ll keep you posted!