Hi everyone! It’s sooooo boring staying home if you don’t have plenty to do, right??? Miss Aliyah Rose would like to help us solve this problem by giving us a few ideas:
- Take a walk every day and pick “Children’s flowers.” Grownups usually call them “weeds” but that’s because they’re not allowed to pick the flowers. Children only, please! 😉

- Dress up like your favorite princess or pirate, and build a Lego project. Aliyah Rose created a marvelous hospital/ice cream machine hybrid. We’re not sure how it works, but it will cure what ails you!

- Dress up in your Sunday best and play with your sticker book. On the dining room table. (Requires sticker book, shoes not allowed on the table.)

- Do some push-ups. The fastest way to accomplish this is to sass your grandmother, and you will immediately get her full and undivided attention. She will make sure you do at least five or ten push-ups, depending on how sassy you’ve been and whether or not its the first time she had to correct you this morning. And it’s soooo good for your core and upper arm strength!

- Take pictures of your favorite toys. You can even pose with your favorite plushy and ask your grownup to take pics of you together!

- Look at pictures of Mommy and Daddy when they were little like you! Grams can tell you stories about the antics they got into, like eating dirt out of the garden. Silly little mommy!

- Sit in the window and look mournful. This works wonders at guilting out your parents and grandparents, if they actually believe you’re sad. However, if they know you are happy and content, they might not fall for this trick. Worth a try, at least…

- Study geometry with your favorite home-school teacher. You can show off your advanced knowledge of triangles, quadrilaterals, and more! Extra credit if you can pronounce “trapezoid” and tell us the difference between isosceles and equilateral triangles!

- Put bows in your hair. ALL THE BOWS. At the same time. If not now, when? If not you, then who? Carpe diem, folks!
- Test out your old bassinet to make sure it will be comfy for the new baby when she arrives later this month. Yes, it’s comfy! Now get out of there before you break it!! Sheesh…

- Help your Granddad plant a tree in the Exact Same Spot that an old tree or bush used to be. This way you can watch Granddad digging out the old stump and muttering under his breath when he discovers that those old tree roots were wrapped around a water pipe and now they’re cracked. (This means you can also learn how to repair/replace cracked PVC lines to the sprinklers, you lucky girl!)
- Play Hide & Seek with your puppies. Spoiler alert: they won’t let you win, and they can find you pretty much anywhere you hide. And they are TERRIBLE at counting to 100. Trust us, we tried.

- Give yourself a haircut when your designated parental unit has to take a nature break. You know you want to! Try cutting off random chunks of your beautiful locks with your safety child scissors and watch Mommy cry like a baby when she gets home from grocery shopping and sees what you’ve done. Side benefit: you will NEVER see your scissors again until you turn 15.

Stay tuned for more great ideas from our own dear Aliyah Rose, and never be bored again!
Hugs to everyone, we send you our love and prayers for health and happiness. Have a wonderful day, and many blessed tomorrows.