Aliyah Rose Reviews… the National Capital Trolley Museum

May 2019 – Aliyah took it upon herself to inspect the National Capital Trolley Museum in May, to see for herself if she could recommend it to visitors to the DC area. She took a good two hours out of her busy schedule to thoroughly research this unique attraction and dictate her observations to her faithful assistant, er, Grandma.

Aliyah conducts a thorough review of the National Capital Trolley Museum, dictating notes as she goes.

We started off with a ride on an antique trolley through the beautiful Maryland countryside. Aliyah was full of giggles at the overall bumpiness of riding the rails.

Taking in the sights and scenery…
Aliyah thanks the Conductor for the ride and asks questions about trolleys vs. trains.
Time to head back inside to see the exhibits!

After the trolley ride was over, she explored the interactive exhibits and tested them for kid-friendliness. She was impressed that visitors could start and stop the train, turn the lights on, etc.

There was a wonderful interactive model trolley setup with working lights, and trains the kids can start and stop.

Aliyah starts the model trolley rolling. “Little” kids might enjoy the step up provided (left) but Aliyah would have none of that…
The lights worked and passed inspection. Excellent!

After the interactive exhibits, we toured the large collection of antique trolley cars. They were well preserved and cared for, and our tour guide was knowledgable about the history and variety of trolleys. Fascinating!

Two of the prettiest trolleys…
We saw a variety of trolleys from different periods.
We even saw an example of how the tracks were constructed.

After we looked at all the beautiful trolleys, we headed over to the children’s activity area and treated ourselves to a trolley-coloring exercise.

All of the crayons were meticulously tested and passed inspection…

There were even lots of exhibits and reading material for the grownups and others who have mastered the complete alphabet.

Lots of well curated exhibits for adults and older kids too!
Even a shout-out to the ladies

We left after a very educational and fun experience, and Aliyah’s assessment? “This was fun. Can we go again?” Two little thumbs up!

Leaving in the rain with our souvenir art. A good time was had by all!

About the National Capital Trolley Museum


1313 Bonifant Road
Colesville, MD 20905–5955

Phone: 301-384-6088